Brug dine blonder

Blonder i nye klæder

Blonder er et smukt og romantisk stof, der minder om en tid, hvor man havde tid til at fordybe sig. For smuk og fint til at glemme og gemme væk i en kasse på loftet.

De findes i mange forskellige smukke designs og former og med enkle gør-det-selv-ideer gøre dine blonder til små kunstværker til dig og dit hjem.

Her er ideer, som du nemt kan lave med blonder fra genbrugsbutikken, arvet fra din bedstemors eller endda nye.

Use of lace

Lace used in new creative ways

Lace is beautiful and romantic fabric that is a reminiscent of a time when you had time to immerse yourself. Too beautiful to forget and hide away in a box in the attic.

Lace is an easily available fabric which you can get at most flea markets. It comes in different beautiful designs that are great for use for decoration.

You can with simple DIY ideas make your laces into small artwork for you and your home.

Therefore, we have made these ideas that you fairly easy can make yourself with old lace from the thrift store, your grandmother heirloom or even buy new ones.

Idea & styling: Filippa Grønhøj Asved // Photo: Nicoline Olsen @photographernicolineolsen